Josh Davies of Ideal Cabling presented a proposal for services for expansion of fiber optic cable in the Town of Wrightstown at last week’s Town of Wrightstown board meeting.
The plan is to install approximately eight miles of fiber optic cable to service an additional 129 homes in the town. Installation fee will be approximately $500, with service packages offered at different levels.
Following discussion, the board accepted the proposal to install the additional fiber optic cable and internet services through the town at the cost of $248,000.
Some will be covered by the Coronavirus State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds Project.
Sanitary District Commissioner Dave Bloomer appeared to present an update on the closing of Sanitary District No. 2. They are on course to have the holding pits pumped in October. They are working with Cedar Corp Engineering to finalize the plans. Bloomer indicated he had a meeting with the DNR representative and they seem to be in agreement with Cedar Corp’s report. They also are in contact with an attorney from Olejniczak Law Firm, who has been thru these closings in other areas and will advise. The plan is to then reclaim the ponds and fill them in to offer them for sale.
Rick Gerbers indicated he is looking for guidance from the town board on possible enforcement of Nuisance Ordinance
Eugene Manders made a statement about property at 1177 Day St., and Bob Gerend also made a statement to the board.
Following a closed session, the board recommended Gerbers meet with Jim Kalny, Town Counsel, to establish a plan for contacting any residents in the Town of Wrightstown that are in violation of the Nuisance Ordinance.
The board unanimously approved the request of Ron and Charlie Demske, Hilly Haven Properties, to rezone three acres from Ex-Ag to B-1 Community Business on School Road, parcel W-558.
Supervisors also approved a revised certified survey map for Mike and Scott Theunis – part of NE-SE, Sec30, T22N, R20E.
Cathy Spiers requested the town board to sign the route for the 5/10K for Kickin’ It With The Cows from 7-10 a.m. on Saturday, Aug. 13. The route is Shanty, Mill to Elmro roads. Supervisors agreed to have Brown County sign the roads, with the town paying for the signing.
The board met with Delmore Consulting to do road inspections. Town Chairperson Bill Verbeten will receive quotes for roads that need repairs, signs that need replacing, and areas that need trimming and present those quotes in May.
Verbeten will also get a list of road signs that need to be replaced and have some ordered.
In comments from the floor, Dean Wall made a statement on the condition of Partridge Circle. Verbeten informed him this road has been put on 2022 BIL-STP funding.
The town is waiting for word on the grant application, but in the meantime will grade a section of the road and possibly add gravel.