Deer saved after getting trapped in soccer net

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Lisa Durocher, Eric Durocher, Jason LaBrec, and Chris Knapp helped a young deer get out of a soccer net last week behind Wrightstown High School.

By Brian Roebke
The watchful eye of Wrights- town High School Administrative Assistant Lisa Durocher Thursday morning helped a young deer get out of an awkward situation.
She was out of bed and getting ready for work around 6:20 a.m. when she looked outside a window at the back of the family home that backs up to Wrightstown High School and the soccer fields behind the building.
“I always keep an eye on everything,” she said. “I have to make sure the school is safe.”
When she looked out the window, she saw a deer laying by the soccer net and thought that was strange.
“You could see the deer was trying to get up and then it would get back down and I thought maybe it was giving birth,” she said.
She then told her husband, Eric, about what she saw. The soccer goal was even turning and she realized the deer was caught in the net.
Eric ran over to the deer with something to cut the net and called her, saying he was going to need backup because the deer was pretty tangled up.
She then called school maintenance staff members Jason LaBrec and Chris Knapp because the deer was on school property. “He thought I was lying,” Lisa said about LaBrec, who eventually laid on top of the deer so Eric and Knapp could cut the net off.
“You could tell it must have done it in the middle of the night because they said when the deer got up, you could tell it was kind of out of breath, struggling, but it just wanted to get free and go to its mama,” she said.
The rest of the day consisted of Lisa hearing she was a hero after the story spread around Wrightstown High School.
People learned that her saying she watched the school all the time was true and not just something she said.
“That’s just my routine,” she said. “I always keep an eye out for everything and I helped save a deer.”
She ended up being late for work but she had a very good excuse, making sure the guys kept safe, and had pictures to back it up.
If deer can communicate with each other, this deer had one heckuva story to tell.